Why Startups Should Invest in SEO

Why Startups Should Invest in SEO

Keyword stuffing, spammy content, low quality link building, sneaky redirections; these are all things of the past. Google has hastened up its process for changing SEO algorithms tending Black hat SEO redundant. With constant new updates and penalties such as Penguin and Panda, Google has removed almost any scope for the way old SEO used to be done. Firms are now moving towards local SEO and SEO based on semantic searches.

Fundamental SEO is vital for any firm who has a digital presence, especially for a startup. This includes alt tags, meta tags, header tags, keyword placement etc. which help optimise the website during its initial stages just the way HeySuccess, a London based startup, has implemented. However, the amount of importance given and investment made in SEO can primarily be attributed to the kind of industry the startup is, the niche market it caters to, and the audience it wishes to target. If the marketplace is new, then the startup should lay emphasis on basic SEO and increased awareness through paid ads and later make the shift to full fledged SEO.

Startups must also keep a check on Google Analytics to analyse where the maximum organic traffic is coming from, focusing on long tail keywords based on geographical locations, USP’s of a product, verticals etc. It is also crucial for startups to consider the saturation point of the market and the key competitors while devising their SEO strategy especially while conducting keyword research.

Thus, at the start of their digital career, startups should ideally indulge in basic tech SEO which forms a base for their company’s website to grow on. They face the risk of fewer natural links, lower Domain Authority, and a longer time to rank on the search engines. But this can be combated with time since SEO strategy is one that reaps benefits in the long run. Thereafter, they can always adopt a multi channel approach to provide for a holistic growth of the company digitally, since SEO no longer entails tech SEO. It is a culmination of content marketing, content amplification, PR, advertising along with content outreach. Afterall, the ulterior objective of the startup should be to create content not for SEO but user relevant content that automatically drives traffic to your website.

If you like this post, do share it with your friends and family. Need help promoting your brand? Let us help tell your brand’s unique story today! If you have any query leave them below in comment section.

Content Optimization For Featured Snippet (Definitive Guide)

Content Optimization For Featured Snippet
While searching on Google, you must have noticed a descriptive box answering your query at the top of all the search results. The highlighted content appearing as the top Google search result is a featured snippet which always appears above the organic search results right under the sponsored results in SERP’s. This article unfolds the mysteries of featured snippets for SEO nerds who are striving hard to generate organic traffic with their rigorous strategies to highlight content.
When does the featured snippet appear? How does it appear? What do you need to do to get your web page to appear as a featured snippet? These are the queries I will be addressing in this post.
Google reduced the organic search results from 10 to 7 in SERP and made the generation of organic traffic on websites slightly difficult. But Google also introduced featured snippets which gradually gained popularity. If you are wondering about how and when Google returns a featured snippet, then you must understand that there is no rule. It is a type of query based on which the search giant decides. Google returns more featured snippets based on the web content which is why it is important to optimize your content accordingly.
What are featured snippets?
Google says, “When we recognize that a query asks a question, we are programmed to detect pages that answer the user’s question and display a top result as a featured snippet in the search results”.
The most relevant content that answers the user’s search query is picked up by Google. Google looks for the best match to the query and reflects them in search results. It looks for the searched query term on the page and the websites ranking on the first page are always given preference.
Facts About Featured Snippets:
  • It is not 1st but 0th Position in the SERP
  • Descriptive content appears above the site link (page URL)
  • 70 of the snippets are pulled from positions #1 through #3
  • Enhances user attention on the search result page
  • Online searchers click on the featured snippets to learn more
  • Featured snippets are shown along with regular search results, giving them a pathway to browse further
  • There’s no guaranteed method of getting the page into a featured snippet
  • Google does not guarantee featured snippet listing
  • High-quality search results
  • Tries to deliver the best response to people’s query
  • Drive manifolds traffic to a site
  • Works well with mobile and voice-only searches
  • The layout of the content is focused to grab user attention, helps the user easily discover the content and find the most appropriate answer.
  • This is demarcated as a featured snippet because its appearance is set differently than a usual search result where description appears just below the URL.
  • Google picks up sites in featured snippets, mostly the sites in top 10 results but for certain queries, this might not be the case.
  • These featured snippets may appear with other types of SERP results and features.
SEO nerds also use Answerbox Terminology interchangeably but featured snippets are different from answer box though closely related. The featured snippet is not part of the Knowledge Graph. To avoid confusion, let’s stick to the “featured snippet” term whenever there’s a URL featured in the box because they present an extra exposure to the linked site (hence they’re important for content publishers).
Types of Featured Snippets
There are three major types of featured snippets:
  1. Paragraph: Google returns an answer in a paragraph form, plain text, or plain text with an image, content is present in the paragraph tag.
  2. List:  Answer is returned in a list form (content is present within list tags).
  3. Table: Answer is returned in table format.
How to Create Content that Appears as a Featured Snippet?
  • Understand what your customers are looking for
  • Know that your reader and customer persona is important
  • Generate user-centric content as Google focuses on user search intent
  • Know the questions your customers are asking
  • Think of all the possible queries and generate content to answer those questions with: How to, what is, why do or why does.
  • Using these question categories, create a content bucket to answer users’ questions.  Answer the public website offers a question bank that is required to turn the wheels. Another useful tool you can use is serpstat. Above all, the Google search option offers much more through its auto-suggest feature in the search box. As a user types out a term, Google suggests the most popular related terms. By typing in a few words in the search box, one can look for the top queries suggested by Google.
  • Create high-quality user-focused content which is engaging and comprehensive.
How to Optimise Your Content for Featured Snippets?
  • Firstly, decide the terms that will generate featured snippets.
  • Look for various question-related queries, informational intent queries, long-tail queries. You can always refer to Google for other search result sections such as “People also ask” and “See results about”.  Check Google Search Console to find which search queries generate more clicks.
  • Finalize the best theme that will generate featured snippets for your website
  • Finalize the keywords based on these queries, group keywords based on search intent and relevance
  • See the queries for which you already rank higher. This will help you get featured and appear in the answer box.
  • Use various tools to search keywords
  • Optimize for featured snippets
Site Metrics for ranking in Search Results Featured Snippets
  1. Off-site metrics
  • Domain authority
  • Page Authority
  • Unique domains linking to the domain
  • Unique Domains linking to a page
  • Social shares: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest
  1. On-page content metrics
  • Create content
  • Use good images – with keywords in URL and alt
  • Check its Readability
  • Keyword in the URL
  • Word count
  • Presence of paragraph HTML tags, list tags
  1. Technical SEO
  • Presence of schema.org code snippets
  • Site Response time
  • Page speed
  • How long should be each content to appear as a featured snippet, optimize it accordingly. Here is a table with an ideal featured snippet length.
  • There is always a scope of improvements, keep monitoring your data and make changes accordingly.
Future of Featured Snippets
Will the Featured Snippet die soon and be ruled by a new Google strategy? Google is working on improving its featured snippet results. A closely matched featured snippet will start appearing in SERP when Google does not find an answer to users’ queries. In ‘A Comprehensive Guide to Featured Snippets’ by Google, you will find the mention that Google is working on displaying ‘near match results’ where the search results are closely matched with the user queries. In this case, Google might show more than one featured search results.
Google might show more than one featured snippet in the search results to improve the search results and user experience, pushing the organic results down. Displaying the strongly aligned content as well as the one that provides contradictory information for better user experience is the motive.
One result displays reciprocal link building as, both, good and bad. So, a user can find a contradictory response, both, in favor and not in favor.
Google says “On a typical day, 15 percent of the queries we process have never been asked before. That’s just one of the many challenges along with sifting through trillions of pages of information across the web to try and help people make sense of the world.”
Google welcomes users to share their feedback directly from the search result page about the featured snippets in search results for your query. Click on the “Give Feedback” link at the bottom of the box.
Featured Snippets Help with Mobile and Voice Searches
Today, mobile searches have surpassed desktop searches, and voice search is gaining popularity at a steep rate. Very soon we might see Google showing 5-3 organic search results.
The future lies in voice search and spoken featured snippets. Google is working on ways to show the source page in spoken search results.
If you like this post, do share it with your friends and family. Need help promoting your brand? Let us help tell your brand’s unique story today! If you have any query leave them below in comment section.

Best Practice in Online Reputation Management

Best Practice in Online Reputation Management

In the modern digital world, building brand reputation depends highly on SEO. Your company’s reputation either escalates or goes down based on social media reviews, Google listings, and reviews on other social platforms. Apart from the basic hacks of creating quality content and authentic inbound links to improve brand reputation, there are more powerful SEO-based strategies for boosting your brand reputation. Here are a few useful tactics you could use:

Associating your name with the best content
If your brand name is excluded in your published content, it will be the content that attracts more traffic instead of your brand name. On the other hand, if your brand name is associated with poor content, your name acquires a poor reputation, not the content. Hence, it is necessary to associate your name with positive content. SEO places your brand name on relevant pages for positive results.

Formation of a personalized brand
Business develops more when there are people involved, rather than companies. Even B2B companies pitch their branding around keywords that complement their company. Select keywords that are common to your brand as well as customers’ search lists. Then, combine those terms for personal branding with relevant SEO.

Responding to reviews works wonders
Surveys show that 85% of customers rely on online reviews the way they believe a trusted friend. When your site receives positive reviews, customers frequently visit your site and Search Engines, in turn, review your site with higher rankings. Likewise, negative feedbacks can bring down your site’s ranking. Acknowledge positive feedbacks and rectify errors to make your site SEO-friendly.

Make customer gratification a priority
After Google figured out ways to measure customer satisfaction online, things changed. The longer a customer spends on your website, the better your site’s ranking is. With the help of quality content, you can keep your customers glued to your site. When the results meet the customers’ search queries, customers spend more time on your site. The content and SEO strategy should be based on customer searches; what customers are looking for and how to add more traffic.

Organize PR online
Conducting online PR proves to be an efficient way to boost your brand reputation. Create engaging content and hold press releases to keep your customers hooked to your website. This will reward your website with authentic backlinks. Optimize the press releases in line with SEO.

Address those copyright concerns
You should be particular about piracy. Google easily recognizes piracy and removes your search results. This happens due to notices from Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Avoid getting into copyright troubles by responding to DMCA notices, if there are any. A tip from Organic Search Engine Optimization Experts – for every user-generated content you create, build an approachable footer link.

Smart brand-advertising
Your target should not be limited to definite platforms of the online platform. Your brand should feature on a maximum number of websites. Choose paid advertising to generate better brand awareness and feature everywhere on the web.

Keep a check on brand activities
One of the potential ways to enhance your reputation is a quick response to your brand mentions. Respond smartly to positive or negative mentions of your website. But, at times, you may be unaware of the feedbacks on your website. In such cases, use tools such as mention.com, Google Alerts, and Brand24 help. You can, thus, get assistance in boosting your brand reputation.

Defend negative SEO attacks like a pro
Sometimes, sudden drops in your search gradings occur due to a competitor’s adverse attack. SEMrush comes in handy when your site experiences an influx of poor backlinks. In case you receive a penalty notice, the Google Webmaster Tools should disavow the low-quality back-links.

There are some trusted websites that provide you with excellent services for better brand reputation management. Alternately, you may consult an SEO Agency for more personalised services. What can be better, after all, than having a digital marketing agency help you win the SEO game?

Link Building in 2019 – What You Should Know

Link Building in 2019

Link building is the process of earning links on other websites. Natural earned links directly improve the relevancy and authority of a website and largely impacts where it ranks in search engines. On the other hand, self-created links are risky as they can get penalized by the Google webspam team.

Link building is a risky strategy unless you have fixed the inevitable quality issues on your website. For instance, if your website is not attracting social shares or organic links, then you have a huge problem and creating unnatural links will not help in the long run. Read how to optimise your website for voice search.

In 2018, Google will discount and discard a lot of links to your site if it finds them low quality. Links matter in a lot of situations but Google will demote sites that have no expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness (EAT). One of the ways to gain better ranks is by getting links and mentions on authoritative sites.

Links are of great importance since Google has already confirmed that links are the number 1 ranking factor, other than great content. Ranking without quality links is difficult. If Google cares about links, and so should you.

1. Content is King
Content is the most legitimate link building strategy of 2018. As a business, you can also employ this strategy to build links on your site. One of the ways it can be achieved is by focusing on content marketing strategies to drive 100% of the link building activity to your website.
● Centre it around original research
● Curate the best possible information by citing the source
● Publish the article on your website and newsletter
● Link your blog post to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter for boosting social activity.

In short, you write what you are passionate about. If your content resonates with larger audience, then it will help you in generating natural backlinks.
Content strategy along with outreach activity (act of promoting your content to those who might link on it) can be termed as a powerful link building strategy.

2. Up-to-date link building program
What makes for a good link? If the page that links to you is a PageRank powerhouse then that link will have a great impact on your ranking. In other words, the authority of the page that links to you matters the most because links from these pages pass more authority back to your site.

The quality of a link is also determined by a domain’s sitewide authority. For instance, a link from the Huffington Post will have a greater impact than a link from a no-name blogger. Using Ahref, you can enter a site’s URL and check its domain ratings.

Furthermore, getting links from authority sites also matters, especially if they are closely related to your site.

3. Remain Aware of Google and Other Search Engine Strategies
Are you sure about the placement of links in your content? Or is it placed in the footer? Links that are put away in footers and sidebars do not hold much worth. Thus, make sure your links appear in the main body of a webpage.

There are certain types of links that work best for link building:
● Images
● Infographics
● Charts
● Diagrams
Visuals work better as they are easy to link to. For instance, if you create and publish a chart on your site, you get a link anytime shares that chart. The same cannot be said about text-based content.

Ways of Building Links in 2019:
If you have just started building your website, then there are certain strategies you can use to get high quality

Guest Posts: It is important to build your personal brand to help your blog. Guest blogging on relevant and authority sites within your niche sector is one such way to build your brand image. Google is cracking down on spammy guest posts, but you can still add a link to your own useful content or post on relevant blogs. The same strategy can help you rank for long-tail keywords.

Social Media Marketing: More social shares do not necessarily guarantee a high page rank. Social media, on the other hand, is a great channel to get more exposure for content and at the same time to increase your perceived value. So, with social media strategy, you can help increase your brand visibility to boost your domain authority and earn a high page rank. More social shares also contribute to more mentions, which again have an impact on
your page rank.

Internal Linking: Regular and deep linking to your authoritative content from contextually relevant blog posts helps with your SEO strategies.

Broken Link Building: This is one of the most popular link building strategies as it adds value to the internet by repairing a broken follow link. Since you add value to a webmaster by repairing broken links, they are likely to return the favour with a follow link to your site.

Track Your Backlinks
All links coming from blog comments, press releases, etc. have to be tracked. You are supposed to track every link that points to your site that is indexed.
What should you track?

Anchor text distribution: This is one of the most important things to track. Your business should keep an ongoing record of anchor text distribution that points to your site and how the same measures to the niche-specific target anchor text.

Rankings: You should keep a track of wherever you place links to ascertain what were the rankings before the link was placed. This allows you to understand what anchors and links were likely to have a positive or negative impact. You can accomplish the same with a rank tracker, but you also do so by using a weekly ranking notes.

Keyword list and Target Pages: You should track every keyword your site is targeting and all the required pages. Every time you send a keyword’s exact anchor, note it in a spreadsheet.

Regular Link Audit: Poor quality links cleansing If you want to avoid Google penalty then you should learn how to remove bad links with a regular backlink audit. You can find low-quality backlinks that are hurting your rankings and remove them with the backlink audit. One of the ways to do it is through Google’s webmaster tools to export all backlinks on your website. Another way to do it is through the use of ‘Open site explorer from Moz’. Furthermore, you can get more
information about backlinks from ahrefs and Majestic SEO.

If you want to rank better for organic search keywords, then the focus should be on building links. More backlinks means more power in the rankings, then your content marketing efforts should also focus on links to gain traction. Backlinks and mentions can drive relevant traffic back to your site. Thus, focusing your efforts and time is important on link building is important.

So, how do you stand out when everyone business is trying to do the same?
Links are important for rankings but most people acquire them in the wrong manner. For instance, they would ask for links without providing anything in return.
By following link-building campaigns you can sway things in your favour. You can start by creating a guest blogging strategy. This is one of the easiest ways to get links quickly. Furthermore, you can also mention top influencers as it can give you a good chance to get a link.

This is because if you mention someone, they are most likely to share your post or mention you back. You can also try prospecting for broken links and pitching your content. You can also create high-quality infographics that will definitely bring links.

If you like this post, do share it with your friends and family. Need help promoting your brand? Let us help tell your brand’s unique story today! If you have any query leave them below in comment section.

Best Places to Buy Your Engagement Ring in Antwerp


When buying an engagement ring it is important to ensure you are buying it from the right place and you are happy in the knowledge that the business is doing its utmost to meet your style and budget. Before stepping foot in a jewellers you should take some time to work out your exact budget. You should also carry out some basic research of your own regarding the 4C’s of diamonds- clarity, carat, colour and cut. The cut relates to how well the diamond reflects light. The carat refers to the weight of the diamond, the colour relates to the diamond’s lack of colour and the clarity relates to the number of inclusions on the diamond. For more detail see our very own Diamond Education.

Once all this is complete, it is now time to look for the best jewellers to buy your engagement ring for women. These are some key features you should look out for:

Reputable Establishment- It is a good idea to look into the background of the store and see if they have won any awards in their past. If a friend or family member refers you to a jeweller, that’s a good sign. Also check if they have many Google Reviews as these are normally a good indication of the calibre of the jeweller.

Wide Range of Rings- You shouldn’t have to settle for a style of ring so you want to go to a jewellers that has all styles of rings there for you to view. These should include- solitaire, halo, side stone, multi-stone and gemstone rings. By looking at a lot of rings you are sure to find the one you love.

Certified Range of Diamonds- A truly reputable jeweller should have their diamonds certified by one of the three main bodies- GIA, IGI or HRD Antwerp. This ensures you can trust that the spec of the ring advertised is correct and has been independently validated. There is a lot that goes in to certifying a diamond so for more see Diamond Certification

Fair Pricing- Engagement rings are a big investment and no one wants to be overcharged. It is important to shop around and take note of the spec of the rings you see to make sure you are getting the highest quality ring for the best price.

Returns and Deposits- If you decide to go out on a limb to try and choose the engagement ring yourself, prior to proposing, you should check the T&Cs of your purchase just in the off chance they don’t like your choice! Check to see if the jewellers allow you to return it, if unworn, to swap for a new one. Also, most jewellers are aware that paying it all upfront is too steep for many, so most jewellers will take a deposit upon ordering and allow you to pay in installments.

Independent Valuations- All rings should come with an independent valuation to verify the quality of the ring. This is also useful for insurance purposes.

Locally Made- It is important to know where your ring has come from and who is responsible for each step of the process of making the ring. An in-house goldsmith is also important as if your ring needs to be resized or amended, it shouldn’t take 6 weeks. It is a 2 day process maximum to resize a ring. Also, free sonic cleaning should be made available to you, it takes 2 minutes and makes a huge difference. So, you should make sure your after-sales care is just as good as the pre-sale care!

Impartial Advice- A jeweller should be able to offer a customer impartial and unbiased advice regarding diamonds and rings and not just say what the seller thinks the customer wants to hear. They should offer both the pros and cons of different metals such as Platinum V White Gold and be truthful about the quality of diamonds. Buying Engagement Rings Advice

Here at GrandDiamonds, we believe all jewellers should strive to deliver this level of quality service.

7 Best Tips For Online Shopping This Christmas

It’s the end of the year and that means the festive season is almost here! Many of you start buying gifts for your friends and loved one. To make your Christmas shopping convenient, less hassle many of you will be doing it online. But there are a few things to consider before you go for online shopping: Finding out about delivery times, information about returns, and which are the best sites and days to go shopping will save you time and money. Here are some best tips for online shopping this Christmas:

1. Prepare your wish list

There’s nothing that will break the budget like a last-minute impulse purchase. Plan ahead your list keeping track of gift items you want to purchase– either you want to buy watches online or buy bracelets online. Make sure can make a wishlist for all the shopping gifts this Christmas.

2. Make a holiday budget

Before you do your shopping, making a holiday budget is most important otherwise u will overspend. Write down your gift list and plan how much you plan to spend on each gift.

3. Compare prices

It doesn’t take long to be a comparison price when you shop online. So, make sure you compare prices with other websites that offer the same products. You can visit sites like Stardealling, Google Shopping, and Amazon to find the best price on a specific gift item.

4. Set up a price alert

Know what you want to buy on this Christmass? Set up a price alert so you know when it goes on sale so that you can get notification in your mailbox.

5. Get free shipping

Take advantage of free shipping offers found on promo code and coupon sites. There are many online sites which offer free shipping. Many retailers also offer free shipping directly on their websites over the holidays.

6. Pay with cash using gift cards or debit cards

If you want to pay with cash budget to avoid overspending this holiday, you can also go shopping online using a debit card. Or buy yourself a gift card for your favorite online merchant for less than face value.

7. Check delivery times and buy early

If you have just started shopping in December please note the delivery times as some deliveries in this busy period may take weeks. While shopping online check that the website has got good returns, delivery and cancellation policies to avoid any deal.

Don’t forget to share what are your favorite ways to save time and money this Christmas in the comment box.

6 Online Shopping Tips To Save Money

When it comes to shopping, the shopping experience gets more exciting even more when we get amazing offers, deals, and discounts. Now online e-commerce sites and online auction websites are becoming the most preferred way to save money. But its tedious job to do online research to buy diamond earrings online for getting the lowest price.

Here are some online shopping tips to save money:

1. Don’t hurry up

Don’t hurry up to click on the Complete My Order button at least not right away. If you wait for few for best deals!patience or watches transaction. Don’t forget to sign up for email alerts and have jewellery days, you may get an extra email discount or offer from the seller. Why? They think you need a little push to complete that

2. Seek out coupons and use them wisely

Using coupon codes for getting discount or cashback is a delight for many of us. When ordering enter coupons code that takes a certain percentage off. For coupons, you just type the brand name followed by “promo code” on Google and you will find the latest and working coupon codes. You can also subscribe to email newsletters of your preferred shopping sites and get the discount codes into your mailbox.

3. Know the right day to shop

eCommerce sites have done their homework and know the best days for raising or lowering their prices. Use that to your advantage. Want a good deal on books? Saturdays are usually when you find them. Cheap engagement rings? Buy your bling on Wednesdays. Clothes? Thursdays. Buying on the right day can make your day!

4. Show your loyalty

Sign up for loyalty reward programs if you shop frequently on a certain website. Your points toward discounts or gifts add in your account as you make purchases. Don’t go for online shopping just to build up points, and never sign up for credit cards, even if they offer rewards.

5. Compare your product

There are numerous shopping websites hence, determining which of them has the best deal on a particular product becomes tough. So before buying product compare the online prices with other sites.

6. Don’t overpay on shipping

Many websites let you skip the shipping charges if you spend a certain amount on your order. So, to avoid any additional shipping charges make a list of the clothes, jewellery or whatever you want to buy and order them all at once.

These are some online shopping tips to stay secure and save money. Hope these tips will help you. Don’t forget to share your views and tips if we’ve missed any important tip in the comment box.

Best Tips For Selling Jewelry Online That You Must Know

Want to start your online business, but don’t how to sell jewelry online? Then don’t worry follow these best tips for selling jewelry online on best auction website.

1. Finding Plateform For Your Jewelry Products

The first and foremost tip to sell jewelry online is to find plateform to sell your jewelry product. You can go to various marketplace or jewelry auction sites to sell your product. There you can provide various deals and offers to attract your customers.

2. Avoid Fake Products

This is probably the most important tip. Avoid fake products to save your customers from grief. There are so many suppliers out there selling cheap products. If you sell fake and cheap product it will lose your customer trust and make him unhappy.

3. Give Buyers A Reason To Choose You

Selling jewelry online can get pretty competitive. So it’s vital to think of a way to differentiate yourself from the hundreds of other sellers before you get started.

If you labeled your jewelry as “Fair Trade” and explained what that meant to your customers, they’d go crazy over it. Knowing that they’re buying jewelry from a reputable source is something they’ll pride themselves on.

4. Provide In-Depth Product Information

It’s obvious that you don’t want to overwhelm buyers with huge paragraphs for each item. Provide a concise and descriptive information for each piece of jewelry. It will help your customer to know exactly what to look forward to. You can even add why you love the piece!

Hope these tips will help you. Feel free to ask questions in the comments section below!

Checklist For Buying Jewellery Online

“Good things come in small packages especially when its jewelry.”

When it comes to buying jewelry everyone has entirely different experience. But one thing that is common among people is the concerns whether they buy the right jewellery or not.

For this reason, it is always important to do your homework before you purchase jewellery online.

Here in this article, I disclose the checklist list which I personally follow while buying jewellery online:

1. Choose the right online store

First and foremost step of buying jewellery online is to find Online Jewelry Stores. Search on a search engine and make a list of best online jewellery portal. You can also go for online auction websites where you can find a wide range of jewellery and bid according to your budget.

2. Select the Product

After choosing the online site select the jewellery you want to buy. Make sure you prefer to go for jewellery items that have good images. High definition images are used by professional jewelers which help you in choosing jewelry.

3. Check Pricing

Check the pricing of the product you want to buy on other online jewelry store. This gives you a fair idea about the price variation for the same product. Make sure that you are not spending more than you are supposed to spend.

4. Return Policy

Go through the website’s return policy. It is important to know and understand the policy before you buy jewelry. Every site has different return policy. It is ideal to go for an online jewelry portal that has a 30-day policy.

5. Nature of Shipment

This is one factor that can make a big difference between online jewelry store. This is not a critical issue, but important for making final decision. You should go to a store that provides insurance during shipments.

These are some point that you need to go through before buying jewellery online. Feel free to ask any query related to online shopping in the comment box.

Best Online Auction Bidding Strategy

Online auctions are a great way to get the best deals and offer for jewellery and watches. If you’re looking for best online auction to buy watches online than read out best auction bidding strategies and what’s the best way to win an online auction.

1. Do your research

Before go for bidding get as much information about the item, read the information carefully in advance and don’t be afraid to email the auction house in advance for more photos or information.

If you find an item that has many bidders on it, do a search to see if the same item is available with less bids. Oftentimes there are auctions with multiple items that are the same. So do check.

2. Choose your limit

Auctions can get competitive and things can start to get a little overwhelming. Make sure that when you sit down to bid you have a good sense of what you’d like to pay for each item. Figure out your minimum and maximum you’re willing to pay and do your best to stay inside those lines.

3. Don’t Bail On Your Winnings

A lot of auction sites are designed to benefit the buyer and the seller, so keep in mind that you’re buying an item from a person who either needs the money or needs the item gone. Don’t bid unless you’re 100% sure you want the item.

4. Keep an eye on the deadline

Some auctions work in a similar way to Stardealing where the bidding process runs over days, hotting up as the sale deadline approaches. So always keep your eye on the deadline.

5. Pay up quickly

Once successful, you will have 10-15 bank days for payment. It’s worth doing this quickly as after 15 days if you don’t pay it will again go for online auction.

Hopefully, the online auction bidding strategies maintain above will help you to grab the best deal. Don’t forget to share your comment and query in the comment box.